The third missing parameter is the buffer option that may be needed if you have buffering problems. 第三个少的参数是缓冲选项,如果有缓冲问题则需要该选项。
Cannot refresh cube because the internal cube definition is missing a required parameter. 无法刷新多维数据集,因为内部多维数据集定义缺少要求的参数。
The two missing data mechanisms are assumed to be alike in functional form and a distinction of an unknown scalar parameter is allowed between the two missing data mechanisms. 文中假设第二次抽样时的数据缺失机制与第一次抽样时的数据缺失机制函数形式类似,允许两者有一个一维未知参数的差别。
Results The multiply imputed data generated by MI procedure represent the uncertainty about the missing value and help us use data available to estimate population parameter more effectively. 结果多重填补值显示出了缺失数据的不确定性,使得已有数据得到了充分利用,从而对总体参数做出了更为准确的估计。
When value of missing momentum is measured by pulse equipment, it is related to electrified form of motor, mainly logic electrified state parameter, est operating mumber of beats. 用脉冲当量来衡量失动量的值时,它与电动机的通电方式,主要是逻辑通电状态数,即通常所说的运行拍数有关。
In chapter 4, when the missing data mechanism of covariate and response variable is non-ignorable and missing variables could be discrete, continuous or mixed, the EM algorithm of parameter estimation of model is derived and approaches of modeling for the missing data mechanism is discussed. 第四章给出了协变量和响应变量缺失机制不可忽略,且缺失变量可以是离散、连续或混合变量情况下,模型参数估计的EM算法,并讨论了为缺失机制建模的策略问题。
When the sample size is fixed, along with the increasing of the missing proportion, the standard errors of the parameter estimates under these three model identification restrictions become larger and larger. 在样本含量一定的条件下,随着缺失比例的增大,三种识别限制策略参数估计结果的标准误越来越大。